Become a Leader in Education

What frameworks of teaching ideas do you have to help engage students in learning? If you were to run a session at a SEE conference, what would be your topic and what could other teachers learn from you? SEE is dedicated to provide online and in person CTLE – certified professional development. Discover the many […]

Minutes: August 26, 2015

8:00pm Attendance: Phil Greco, William Willis, Kevin Tims, Dave Kauffman. Several items were discussed involving future festivals and professional development. There were no items that required board approval for this meeting. There are future plans for grant writing. The new branch (New Inlet Chamber Orchestra) will be hosting events in the next few months. Several […]

Minutes: July 8, 2015

Attendance: Phil Greco, Kevin Tims, William Willis, James Infranca: Several items were discussed involving the creation of the New Inlet Chamber Orchestra Branch. All terms were agreed upon and contract was signed. Also, several items were discussed involving future professional development for music teachers. The possibility of hiring a documentarian next year was approved. There […]

Minutes: October 24, 2014

Attendance: Bill Willis, Kevin Tims, and Phil Greco (via electronic conference). Membership fee was discussed and voted on. Footer was composed for upcoming presentations. Updates for website are due to happen. Also public display of email addresses was discussed as they will be presented at the NYSCAME Symposium, of which the Ethics Chair and new […]

Minutes: August 28, 2014

7:00pm Attendance: Kevin Tims, Phil Greco, James Infranca, Bill Willis. There was discussion of a professional development class being written by Jimmy. He also brought some outstanding textbooks on the subject of project based learning. There was also a review of our bylaws regarding our possible upcoming music festival. There was discussion of various details […]